This might be my favorite day of the whole minor! Even though this day wasn't on the planning, I'm glad Teana suggested it!

We already had a great day at school with Amy and Cengiz Mengüç, where we did a few lowkey creative exercises. It was really fun to do!
Lessons like this make me realise how lame my own study is. The topics that are discussed are interesting, but the way they present it is just boring. So it's always nice to see there are other ways of learning.

Once we were done with the class, we went to Teana's house. I loved her home, btw, especially the reading nook and her living room.

I can't really describe why this was my favorite day. Maybe it was because of the people present. Maybe it was all that delicious food, prepared by everyone with love. Maybe it was the fact that we all shared this moment with each other. Maybe because of the conversations. Maybe because it wasn't a forced atmosphere, but one that formed naturally and it was nice. Maybe the fact people felt comfortable enough to be themselves.
Maybe it's all of the above.

Whatever it was, I have never had an experience like this with a class. One where we just come together in our free time and cook for eachother.